About Ai Weiwei „Alles ist Kunst – alles ist Politik“, so Ai Weiwei (* 1957), der zu den international bekanntesten Künstlern der...
Schlagwort: Ai Weiwei: translocation – transformation
Ingrid Fischer-Schreiber – The Internet and Utopias of Freedom? / Ai Weiwei
Ingrid Fischer-Schreiber (sinologist, co-founder of ChinaCultureDesk) will talk about the development of the internet and social media in China and...
Ein Flug über Ai Weiwei's Installation "F Lotus" im Wiender Belvedere. Ai Weiwei zählt international zu den bekanntesten Künstlern der Gegenwart. Er...
#aiww21 –
Exhibition set up
Ai Weiwei: translocation – transformation“ at the 21er Haus, Vienna (14 July – 20 November 2016)
#aiww21 – Family Ancestral Hall The curator Alfred Weidinger talks about the temple and the containers in which the exhibition „Ai...
#aiww21 – Setting up the installation „Lu“ at the grand staircase of the Belvedere Palace in July 2016. The installation is part of the...
#aiww21 – Setup of the installation „Circle of Animals / Zodiac Heads“ by the water basin on the south side of the Belvedere Palace in...